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PIXZELLE STUDIO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (hereinafter “Pixzelle Studio”) with address in Av. Paseo de la Reforma #389, Piso 10, Col. Cuauhtémoc, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, CDMX. C.P. 06500, in compliance with the “Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares” his ordinance, guidelines and other related and applicable provisions (hereinafter jointly “The Law”) let you know through the present document (the “Privacy Notice”) its Privacy Policy, as well as the treatment that will give to the Personal Data collected directly in its establishment; by telephone; e-mail; social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln, etc.) and/or through the website http://www.pixzelle.mx (hereinafter “Website”) guaranteeing that your Personal Data is carried out in a legitimate manner, controlled and informed, preserving the Holder Right of the Personal Data (hereinafter “Holder”) to privacy and informational self-determination, through the use and implementation of high technical security measures, physical and administrative, in order to prevent any damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or unauthorized treatment.
Pixzelle Studio will be responsible of the treatment given to the personal data collected through the media described above, also, informs you that the personal data will be treated and sheltered based on the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, established by the Law.
The personal data that will be requested from the Holder in an enunciative but no limitative manner; full name, telephone number, e-mail, place of work or the place of work who represents, web page, among others conforming to the nature of product and/or service required, Pixzelle Studio requests, which are not considered sensitive personal data in accordance with Law (hereinafter “Personal Data”).
The Holder of the Personal Data provided to Pixzelle Studio, is responsible, in any case, of the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the data provided, and it undertakes to keep it properly updated.
The Personal Data provided by the Holder to Pixzelle Studio will be collected for the following purpose: (i) contact id; (ii) provide, hire, quote and provide information, related to the products and/or services offered by Pixzelle Studio and/or requested by the Holder; (iv) access to events, sales, exclusives, offers or promotions related to the products and/or services offered by Pixzelle Studio; (v) access to information contained in the Website; (vi) provide materials property of Pixzelle Studio;(vii) evaluate the quality of products and/or services; (viii) collect information derived from the tastes and preferences of the products and/or services acquired (ix) payment and billing requirements to customers; (x) contact via mail, e-mail or telephone in order to establish a closer contact with the users and/or visitors of the Website and the costumers of Pixzelle Studio, for any topic of interest.
Pixzelle Studio will not transfer the Holder's Personal Data, in the case of, the moment requiring a product and/or service that involves transmission of Personal Data, the Holder’s Personal Data will be asked about his consent on the transfer in order to provide the product and/ or service requested.
The communication of personal data performed between Pixzelle Studio, its subsidiaries and the keeper of these and/or their employees, will not be considered as transfer data, so, in this case, will not be necessary to obtain the consent of the Holder.
Without limiting the foregoing, Pixzelle Studio may at any time disclose and transmit information when mandated by law and/or competent authority is required to consider in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to: (i) comply with legal process; ii) answer claims that involve any content that undermine rights of third parties; iii) protect the rights, property, or safety of Pixzelle Studio, its users and the public in general, and; (iv) when the transfer is provided for in a law or treaty to which Mexico is a party.
Pixzelle Studio may provide personal data to any authority which requires the same, for the purposes of: (i) bring any means of defense in his favour; (ii) measures of protection against illegal activities or situations involving risk to the safety of any person; and (iv) any other activity that is required by law or any authority.
The personal data will be treated only for the time necessary that lasts the legal act that gives origin to the contractual relationship and only for the purposes described above and/or in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legal provisions. The obligation of confidentiality of the persons who participates in the treatment of the Personal Data will subsisted even after the relationship of these with Pixzelle Studio is finished.
Pixzelle Studio, undertakes to the Personal Data will be safeguarded under strict administrative, technical and physical security measures which have been implemented in order to protect Personal Data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment. Only the authorized personnel by Pixzelle Studio, will have access to Personal Data. The authorized personnel is forbidden to give access to unauthorized persons and using the personal data for purposes others than those established in this Privacy Notice.
This Website can contain links to another web sites. At the moment to access to any of those links, the user will leave the web site of Pixzelle Studio and enter in another web site of Internet, so, Pixzelle Studio, has no control over those sites, not being responsible in any way for the information that is requested and registered in these sites.
Cookies and other technologies are used through the Website through which it is possible to monitor the user behavior, with the purpose to provide a better service and experience when browsing on the Website, as well as offering new products and/or services based on preferences of the user. The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following: browsing date and time, time spent browsing on our Website, sections entered, and the website accessed prior to ours. It is established that the installation, permanence and existence of cookies in the user's computer depends on their exclusive volition and can be eliminated from your computer when the user wishes.
The Holder may: i) know the Personal Data held by Pixzelle Studio and the details of its treatment; ii) Rectify his personal data in case of being inaccurate; iii) Cancel the treatment of Personal Data when it considers excessive or unnecessary for the purpose that justified its obtaining; and iv) Oppose to the processing of your Personal Data for specific purposes.
The Holder must consider that, for specific purposes, the revocation of consent to the treatment of the Personal Data will imply that Pixzelle Studio can’t continue providing the product and/or service requested by the Holder.
At any time the Holder may revoke the consent granted for the treatment of their Personal Data, to attempt using it, in case that it requires to limit the use and/or disclosure of the Personal Data or, exercise any of his rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition ("A.R.C.O. Rights"), he must make his request: (i) to the email address: contact@pixzelle.mx, must confirm the receipt of that document on the phone (55) 2624 0603, from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m., on business days, as appropriate.
The exercise of Rights A.R.C.O. will be free, in the case, the Holder must cover the shipping costs, reproduction and/or certification of documents, the answer to the request will have a cost that will not exceed of 3 days of the general minimum wage in force in Mexico City.
For the above, you must inform Pixzelle Studio, in clearly and precisely manner, the Personal Data that the Holder wishes to be rectified, canceled or revised, as well as the purpose for which they contributed and in general comply with the requirements mentioned in art. 29 of the Law:
Pixzelle Studio will have a term no longer than 20 business days after receiving the referred request to answer to it, and 15 business days more to make effective the exercise of the right that it requests, in case that it results precedent.
The aforementioned terms may be extended for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.
Pixzelle Studio, will reserve the right to change the present Privacy Notice at any time, without prior notification or responsibility.
Any modification to the present Privacy Notice will be notified through the following media:
The information collected, used and disclosed that Pixzelle Studio did to the Personal Data will be governed by the version of the Privacy Notice at the time published.
Likewise, any change of address, telephone number, fax and/or website, will be published on the website indicated above for ten calendar days prior to the effective date of change, and it is your responsibility to consult this notice and its amendments.
At providing the Personal Data the Holder confirms and accepts that he has read and gives his consent to comply with the provisions in the present Privacy Notice, as well as to provide sensitive Personal Data and/or patrimonial and/or financial information, his consent will be collected expressly and writing manner leaving as evidence his handwritten signature, electronic signature, or any authentication mechanism established.
Ta en titt på hva vi gjør. Du vil se at vi har ferdighetene til å ta ideen din så langt som mulig.
Jobbjakten har blitt lettere etter ankomsten av Jyb-appen.
Jyb hjelper deg med å finne drømmejobben. Appen lar deg utføre et jobbsøk som styres av dine interesser, og foreslår alternativer for å optimalisere din profil.
Når et jobbtreff oppstår, åpnes et dialogvindu. Dette gjør kommunikasjonen mellom kandidaten og den potensielle arbeidsgiver enkel, noe som gjør det lettere å få et tilbud.
• Push-varsler ved hjelp av Pushwoosh
• Google sted integrering
Sr.Pago er en app som via Bluetooth gir deg muligheten til å bruke din smarttelefon som en POS. Denne applikasjonen gjør det mulig å godta magnetstripe og chipbaserte kredittkort uten direkte tilknytning til en bankkonto.
Applikasjonen gir deg god oversikt over alle dine betalinger, samt muligheten til å legge til andre brukere.
Ønsker du å utvide din virksomhet, er Sr.Pago den rette applikasjon for deg.
• QPos og AnywhereCommerce kortlesere integrerer via Bluetooth og AUX
• Push-vasler ved bruk av OneSignal
• Realm Database
Denne appen brukes til å verifisere eksistensen og tilstanden til forsikrede gjenstander for å unngå forsikringssvindel. Ved bruk av geo-lokaliseringsteknologi ber appen om verifisering av forsikrede objekter i rekordtid. Appen ber også verifikatoren om å ta bilder og legge til annen tilleggsinformasjon.
• Google Maps SDK-integrasjon
• Push-varsling via Firebase
• Realm Database
Denne appen er for skip med kjøretøy. Den administrerer informasjon, inkluderer data som drivstoff, vedlikeholdsavtaler, kjørelengde, betalinger mm.
I tillegg kan man tilordne kjøretøyene til bestemte sjåfører og bruke geo lokalisering for å holde oversikt over skipene dine. All denne informasjonen er tilgjengelig for å konsultere til en hver tid i skyen.
Rally Guanajuato México er en årlig event og Rally México er den offisielle appen. Denne appen gjør det mulig for rally fans å følge med på alle rally-relaterte nyheter, streame lyd og video, konsultere guider og se kart og bilder av arrangementet.
• Ultra FM-radiostreaming
• Tv 4 video streaming
• Google Maps SDK-integrasjon
• RSS nyheter
• Bildegalleri ved bruk av flickr
Appen har et overordnet mål om å administrere og overvåke levering av meldinger for dør-til-dør-reklamekampanjer. Den forenkler sammenstillingen av en database som kontinuerlig oppdateres samt analyseres ved hjelp av et kontrollpanel. Dette muliggjør opprettelse og levering av meldinger i sanntid.
Mottakeren vil motta kampanjens mål meldinger gjennom 'Brigadistas' som skal utføre et bestemt oppdrag. Tilgjengeligheten for å delta i kampanjer vil kunne spores i appen.
• Push-varsel via Firebase
• Google Maps Integration
• Realm verktøy
Tilgjengelig i butikkene snart!
Mobil-app for IOS smarttelefoner med fokus på å fremme turistattraksjoner. Appen tilbyr forskjellige rallyruter, hvor turister kan oppdage nye steder i sitt eget tempo. Appen integrerer spilleelementer som gjør det både gøy og givende å utforske nye steder.
• Arkit integrasjon
• Mapbox SDK-integrasjon
• Facebook og Twitter Kit SDK integrasjon
• Realm verktøy
I samarbeid med Elsevier, en av de største vitenskaplige forlagene, utviklet vi en app som hjelper dem å tilby sine gjester utrolige opplevelser på deres arrangementer. Appen tilbyr en ny og interaktiv opplevelse, der deres gjester kan delta i kunnskapsmøter, konkurranser og utfordringer hvor man kan vinne premier.
Denne plattformen gjør det mulig for arbeidsgivere å gjennomføre alle typer betalinger til sine ansatte fra en sentralisert konto via SPEI-overføringer.
Overføringer kan gjøres 24/7 hele året og kan brukes 24 timer senere.
Denne appen gjør det å holde styr på et selskaps utbetalinger til en fornøyelse.
Zurich forsikringsgruppe (ZURN) er et sveitsisk forsikringsselskap med en viktig tilstedeværelse i Mexico.
Denne appen tilbyr Zurich en direkte kundeservicekanal for agenter og klienter. Appen gjør det lettere for kunden å konsultere retningslinjer, kvitteringer, dekning og gir tilgang til sykehuskatalogen.
Gjennomfører søk og gir tilgang til ulike informative og vitenskapelige dokumenter fra CONRICyT instituttets arkiver, samt dokumenter levert av andre samarbeidende forlag. Den støtter målet om å gjøre vitenskapelig og teknologisk kunnskap mer universell og tilgjengelig for studenter, akademikere, forskere og andre brukere av denne appen.