Thank You Message From Pixzelle Studio
By: Pixzelle Studio - December 18, 2020
Dear clients, providers, co-workers, family members and friends
Unfortunately this year we lost a lot of jobs and projects, but what is even more unfortunate is that the lives of family members, friends, partners, and people we knew were lost. These are people that we will not see again, and will only be in our hearts and memories. It definitely has been a difficult year for everyone in every way.
Even with all of this, this year was one of the greatest and most unique learning experiences that wasn’t planned for, and definitely wasn’t asked for, but inevitably they happened and they brought unexpected change to everyone in the world. Everyone’s lifestyle, both socially and individually, radically changed within a few months but we have faith that these changes are just a few to improve.
Despite this, it seems that this pandemic, as sad and devastating as it is, was something that the world urgently needed, because people needed to to slow down, go back to nature, to the simplicity that allows us to enjoy the simple details of life, to enjoy company, freedom, and above all, value human contact and interaction.
Fortunately, we have the technology that has allowed us to adapt to this new reality with “virtual presences” in a way that allows us to to not leave our homes, and with a simple video-call it has been possible to handle many topics, from business, family, friends, online classes of all levels of education, even psychological and medical support. Even though in a certain way we knew this, we hadn’t taken it seriously.
This situation has made something really clear: the work zones surely will change in a radical way and now there will be more preference for the home-office format because of the favorable conditions that it gives, and reunions will more often be had in a virtual way, which also is a positive thing, because it allows optimization of resources, such as time.
In fact, we have realized that it isn’t necessary for us to be in the same place to have a work meeting, what really matters is that everyone has the same focus, and is aligned with the idea of always looking to achieve the best. When there is this agreement, people are able to accomplish any objective, both individually and as a collective.
Even when we can resolve matters in a remote way, and interactions can seem distant because of how impersonal they are, we want to reiterate that we are still here, that you can count with our support and above all, you can always count on us to listen and help with everything we can. We are all on the same boat, you’re not alone: together we can move forward towards a better future.
Thank you for the trust you have placed on our talent for developing your projects, we feel very fortunate to have the great work relationships that we have created together, which represent to us a great motivation to move forward and get past any obstacles with the purpose of continuing to offer the best quality in our projects and services.
2021 is near and we will continue to be here for you, with our arms open ready to receive those magnificent projects that you have in mind, and we are sure that together we will make them a reality once again.
Thank you so much for all the support you have given us over these last 7 years! Let’s write the eighth year together.
We hope to be able to continue conquering peaks every time higher than the last, along with you.
Thank you for always being there for us despite all the difficulties and all the extraordinary circumstances that we have gone through. Thank you so much for everything you provided us that we needed to continue forward and fulfill our client agreements, because together we are a great team and a large part of our success is thanks to you.
We hope that next year you can continue with us, so you can be a key ingredient that allows us to continue creating more success stories.
What can we say?
This year was very complicated for us. As you all know, we lost projects, we didn’t received the ones we expected, we couldn't meet up in the office, and some colleagues decided to try their luck in other companies, of course we haven’t forgotten those that left because they were a very important part of the team, but the fact that we’re still here is thanks to you.
Thanks a lot for the great effort you have always given to all the projects, not only this year, but always. Without you, our story would be very different.
It’s important for you all to know that we are always grateful for you loyalty and commitment, but above all, for the unconditional support you all have given to Pixzelle Studio, which isn’t only a company name, it’s also part of a great work team that thanks to you has also become a family; a work family where any new colleague that integrates is well received and comfortable like home. That is due to the great human quality that you all have.
Together we have learned a lot and we know that we have a long road ahead, so we would like to continue that road with you, because you still have a lot of talent to contribute, and we all have a lot to keep learning. Let’s build new experiences together.
Finally, know that you all can always personally come to us with anything you need. Whatever it is: you can count on us.
Thank you for the unconditional support at all times regardless of adversities or moments of success, no matter the weather, or circumstance: thank you for being there.
Thanks for being the pillars that have helped us stay strong when things are not going well; for that big push that we need to keep going forward, for celebrating our success; for sharing every moment of uncertainty; for helping us get up after failure; for learning and teaching us; for dreaming with us and being witnesses to the hard work which we did to make them a reality.
Simply, thanks for everything.
We wish you a merry christmas full of love, health, peace, and very positive experiences, but above all, a better year in 2021 full of prosperity.
We’ll see you very soon.
Best Regards,
Pixzelle Studio